“Original Confederates would have nothing to do with so-called White Nationalists. They had far more class than these clowns/agitators. They would be appalled at the co-option of the Confederate battle flag to use.”
Interesting take. Harry Turtledove explored that very idea in his alternative history novel “Guns of the South”. In his story, original confederates were indeed appalled at some racist time travelers who were intending to help the Confederacy win so they could create a racist empire. In the book this angered Lee deeply.
Lee would be outraged by these idiots pretensions to speak for anyone from the South.
He would (being a righteous and humble man) tell the cities to take his statues down and not give the Lunatics a target.
Of course. More people were likely to buy the book in Dixie than in South Africa, so why not make the South Africans the really nasty villains?
Turtledove's take wasn't unreasonable. 19th century people would be appalled with many 20th century attitudes and behaviors, just as we would be appalled with much of what 19th or 20th century people got up to.
Show a 19th century general a modern machine gun or bomber and he might be appalled, but there was a certain amount of comfortable pandering involved in Turtledove's version of alternative history.