Let me guess, you learned martial arts from your little sister? Not a body slam.
Mmmmm, not exactly. A few decades of decades of Western boxing, plus karate, jiu-jitsu, and some weapons training from Japanese guys who could take out your gizzard or mine with a toothpick. In that context, I've never considered a made-for-TV move like a WWF "body slam" to be an exact thing with a precise form, or maybe a kata, to go with it.
Truthfully, after commenting about this sorry incident so many times on FR, I got tired of saying "hurled him to the ground" or whatever. You don't think it's a body slam? Fine. He slammed his body. Better?
A few Bernie Fifes on this forum, are day dreaming of the day they can seek justice against against someone,anyone, for any real or Imagined crime. Lunatics waiting for their moment of Glory.