Strange times when Canada is a bigger supporter of international terrorism than Saudi Arabia.
Trudeau keeps wizzing on the wrong people....
Maybe that huge new trading deal with Cuba can make up for the loss of Saudi business and money?
How’d they do it?
US TOO!!!!
US, TOO!!!
Maybe Justin need to call Trump and get some support as a benefit of not being such an @hole?
Who ever thought we would live to see the day when Canada supports the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia does not.
Saudi Islamist bastards are trying to separate a smaller zebra from the herd.
Oh dear...Justin’s stepped into it this time. Is his other eyebrow falling off yet?
Well, this isn’t a bad thing.
Justin Trudeau will fly over and walk out the aircraft wearing some arab garb.....
This couldn’t happen to a more deserving pantywaist, trudeau lead country.
Let’s not forget it was Canadians who crashed passenger jets into WTC, Pentagon and a field on 911 and killed 3000 Americans. And in Canada they execute you for blaspheme against Mohammed, or free speech criticizing it’s political leaders.
Canada is right finally and anyone supporting Saudi terrorland is dirt. Who cares if it’s Saudi mohammedans or Muslim Brotherhood mohammedans, let them tear each other’s houses down. President Trump and European leaders should man up and tear into Saudi’s human rights abuses. These arrests were for illegal speech just like the Dems and media want here. Screw Saudi A and all it’s supporters!
It’s possible Canada colluded with Hillary to spy on Trump. And maybe worse.