Harris is inadvertently admitting that the logical conclusion of identity politics is that stating that all white people are intrinsically and irredeemably racist means that the race card no longer works. If we're all racist no matter what we do, then why do anything?
I doubt that's what she meant, but it's the case. "Racist" as an accusation is becoming as toothless as "hypocrite" did, and for exactly the same reason: the libs practice both while they're accusing their opponents of it.
Harris is inadvertently admitting that the logical conclusion of identity politics is that stating that all white people are intrinsically and irredeemably racist means that the race card no longer works. If we're all racist no matter what we do, then why do anything? Put another way, if there's nothing you can do that will make them happy (other than perhaps self-extermination), then you might as well save your time and energy and do nothing at all for them.