Murkowski, Collins, Sasse, Yoder et al .What makes Bannon think that the RINOs would vote to save President Trump?
I see Romney as a vote to convict in the Senate in 2019
No Speaker Pelosi no reason to wonder how RINOS will vote
Impeachment for what??????
He’s thinking some of the House RINOS would balk at impeachment, but any Democrat elected in every case would be pre-committed to impeachment.
Unfortunately, none of the RINOs you listed have to worry about a democrat challenger, nor did they face a conservative primary challenger.
Still, you can rest assured that if enough democrats win, President Trump will face impeachment.
Our goal of MAGA will then fail.
Fight them in the primaries, not November.
Murkowski, Collins and Sasse are in the Senate and have no say in any impeachment proceedings.
“What makes Bannon think that the RINOs would vote to save President Trump?”
Democrats are guaranteed votes against President Trump. RINOs are more amenable to pressure and persuasion.