Please take note too how many normals revere him as well. That should tell you something right there.
When only half do, but all libs do, which do you think is more telling?
He's been deified on our coinage, and everyone thinks he sacrificed to free Slaves. If they knew the truth, that he launched a horrible and bloody war to keep the money flowing into New York and Washington DC, they would not think so kindly of him.
But as usual, the Liberals control the flow of news and publishing and they keep out information they don't want the public to know.
For example, it wasn't until I visited the Lincoln memorial in 2009 that I realized he was willing to keep slavery. I saw it engraved on stone tablets at that memorial, and that woke me up a lot.
All my life I had heard that Lincoln fought the South to abolish slavery, and then I see he considered this point negotiable? If it's negotiable, it wasn't a principle for which men should have died. It was an option.
Fighting an optional war is immoral.