Our founders had a better word or phrase for it than capitalism. They summed it up as our unalienable God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We are free to own private property, be secure in our homes and private effects, operate a farm or business, enjoy the fruits of our own labor, freely worship God, freedom of speech, right to self-defense and to bear arms, freedom from the heavy hand of government intervention, intrusion or force, etc, etc, ie, our American way of life. No other country on earth was ever conceived where we the people actually run the show and are constitutionally guaranteed the rights to enjoy such God-given freedom.
Socialism is anti-God, anti-freedom, anti-American.
Leftist revolutionaries suck.
This brainwashed groupie is a useful idiot.
“No King but Jesus” was the motto that made it possible. Thank God for “religious nuts.”