“100% scanning in 5 years! WTH?”
This is about the technology component (infrastructure, personnel and technology). It would set a goal of having constant (24x7) “eyes on” the whole 1,950 miles of border in five years. It is a big part of what they call “operational control” of the border - watching the whole length, and being able to effectively respond to incursions (personnel, transportation).
Basically, it is a system of networked cameras with artificial intelligence software to alert the Border Patrol when people are detected. It leaves the door open to including other elements (like vibration sensors in the ground, or airborne/satellite monitoring), but the camera technology is ready to go.
Per mile, it costs 1/100th to 1/1,000th as much as building barrier, and can be deployed more quickly. It greatly improves the percentage of illegals apprehended. It also provides very good intelligence on traffic patterns, as the smugglers shift their routes.
Even when we have great barrier and other infrastructure in an area, we would still benefit from having this layer of technology.
Drones are the way to go.