Translation: “Not now, not yet.”
Damage control. Them internal polls are a killer.
Progressives, Resisters, “Socialists, them what ever you want....this abolish ICE hue and cry was meant to stymie President Trump’s progress as POTUS....however, they failed again.
From the left’s perspective, he has no credibility here: he’s not an “undocumented immigrant”; ergo, his opinion about the oppression of undocumented immigrants is irrelevant.
This has been a big misunderstanding.
They’ve all been misspelling LICE.
The only fear that some Democrats have about their candidates calling for the abolition of ICE, open borders and socialism is that all Democrats will be severely punished at the polls by the American people.
Jeh was never totally in Obama’s camp. He had to bury most of his work.
Abolishing ICE is no more then the current “closing gitmo”!
Red meat for their base but a non starter in real life.
at least one of that political party has a moment of sanity.
Unreal it took this long for him to speak up.
Very troubling other leaders in their party are not speaking similarly but mostly encouraging or otherwise enabling this stupidity.
Sorry, Jeh, no more cocktail parties for you!
abolishing ice would compromise public safety””
That is half the goal. The other half, destroying US citizen sovereignty.
That is the whole oint of abolishing ICE.
He’s looking at the long game. Ice is part of’The Deep State’ and they want it there for population control when they take over again.
Guaranteed that if these were White South Africans and Rhodesians fleeing genocide and asking for asylum the left would be marching in support if ICE.