Mueller is investigating $2,500.00 donations?
“The NRA disclosed in April that it received about $2,500 in contributions from 23 Russia-linked individuals since 2015. McClatchy reported earlier this year that the FBI was looking into whether one of those donors, Alexander Torshin, used the NRA to funnel money to the Trump campaign.”
How much? 80 dollars?
Mueller reminds me of a rabid dog intent on biting anything that moves. He needs to be “put down”, meaning removed not killed.
My Revolutionary War ancestors are spinning...
The IRS is as corrupt as Mueller.
The 4th Amendment should be sufficient to end the annual (quarterly for some) fiscal colonoscopy we must endure each year.
Now we find our papers are NOT secure -shocked, shocked I tell you.
Oh jeeze.......Muellers gang is nothing bit a mob wearing ties and suits, playing gotcha on anyone they feel is an influential supporter of conservatives or Trump. The left just loves their sharp objects they get to play with.
Just a humble question, but didn’t Russian billionaires go and donate to the Hillary ‘fund’ as well? Doesn’t this open up....who else? The Saudis, the Germans, etc.
WTF - investigating at most $2500 in donations over 3 years? Seriously?
Are you kidding me?
Russia & China gave Clintons Millions in “Campaign Donations”. He’s looking for $2,500?
It just keeps getting deeper.
this is fusion GPS propaganda...They’re the one (and only ones) pushing the NRA idiocy
There is no law that stops Russia from giving the NRA money. And there is no reason the NRA can’t produce pro-gun ads. No crime.
Because everyone knows that a Russian spy would never fail to report their taxes. /s
Obviously Muller hss gone Gestapo looking for conservatives he can persecute.
used the NRA to funnel money to the Trump campaign.
It is legal for the NRA-ILA, and for the NRA to spend money on political ads, under Citizens United court ruling.
How can someone giving money to the NRA be considered as funneling money to the Trump campaign?
But tens of millions of dollars given to the Clinton Foundation are presumed legal??
Mueller is basically doing free election opposition research for the democrat party!
Because it is perfectly logical that Vladimir Putin backs the Second Amendment and wants every American armed...
and he wanted the strong on military defense and spending GOP to win the Presidency
Putin must not have read “ Red Dawn”
Look how far this bastid has gone.
Is there no stopping this invasive Nazi?
I’m more interested in NR (as in National Review) funders at this point.
Have Soros dollars found their way to them? CIA Deep State, consistent with their origins? Or are they rabid Never Trumpers because of cheap labor plutocrats paying to assure the illegal spigot doesn’t get turned off?
Oh, please let this be true.
I want Mueller to explain how $2500 from Russia and the NRA defeated $1 Billion from Hillary.
Even independent voters will easily see how this just proves that Hillary and the RATs were completely stupid.