Can the same be said for those running the national Republican congressional and senatorial campaigns?
Good question.
The battle is against both the Democrats, as represented by Waters, and Republicans, as led by Ryan and McConnell. Both parties are full of anti-American Never Trumpers who will sell out Americans for illegal alien amnesty.
I think it’s only going to get worse. Especially when Mueller’s BS is over, the more we find out about FBI/DOJ crimes and the Right doesn’t back down. The real Right, not Ryan/McConnell/Scalise/Cornyn/Graham/Flake/Corker right.
The more they don’t get their way, the more unhinged they will become.
Yeah, but ever underestimate the ability of the stupid party to snatch defeat from certain victory.
Nothing remains of the old extreme Left that’s extreme to the Left anymore. Communism? Nope. Cultural Marxism? Nope. Nothing. The only thing that’s extreme to the Left is not being extreme enough.
They’re like that marching band in Animal House: people with bad intentions have led them hard left into a dead end alley. Now they’re all bunched up at the end of the alley trying to act as if everything is as it should be and also, unlike the band in the movie, pointing back at the people on the street and shouting angrily at them.
Swing districts and competitive Senate races must be pounded with the message that the Democrats are in favor of open borders. Voters must understand that if they come to power, it will end the American nation and its culture.
They say you should give your enemy enough rope to hang themselves...
Boy, they got plenty of rope,’s some bullets....pills...chemicals....explosives.....
Keep it up DNC, you’re doing great!
Why are we warning our adversaries?! Schumer and Pelosi are telling Mad Max to tone down her rants. Let them continue their psychotic ranting and raving.
Good question?
No question congressional Republicans haven’t got a clue. Never have. With the exception of Newt Gingrich, none of them have ever shown any indication of mounting a coherent national campaign. They only make large gains as a group when they just happen to keep their feet out of their mouths long enough for the Democratic stupidity to hold the public’s attention.
I did not like what I heard from a Rep on the Laura Ingram radio show .
I think Ryan's K street Daca Amnesty will be passed .
I heard Trump went today to Ryan office .
Trump tweet did not kill anything .
Its alive and well !
I was a teenager living in the South during the 60’s. Maxi=pad’s desire to segregate leftard blacks from conservatives is a hundred times worse than George Wallace ever was.
“Dear God, please, please, please let the Democrats keep this up for the rest of the summer.”
Please keep President Donald J. Trump and his entire family and staff safe, their minds sharp and their spines straight and sturdy.
Thank you, Lord, for these kindnesses to one of the few nations that still fear You, the United States of America.
The best part is, the leadership knows this is true, and they are powerless to stop it. The moonbat bat-poop crazies have seized control of the wheel.
We need to take advantage. A one minute youtube with all the worst of the DNC crap on it ending with - “This is the DNC of today.” Crowd fund TV commercial play in close election locations. Thanks to RINOs, many won’t donate to GOP but they might donate against Democrats.
The cliff has moved. The Democrat party base has gotten increasingly shrill, statist, and violent. They're totally irrational. You cannot reason with them. You cannot bargain with them. There is no middle ground between someone who wants to take all your rights and your plunder your life's savings to bribe the masses to keep themselves in power and someone who wants freedom to live and work as they see fit.
You can only destroy them or be destroyed by them. This is why they're so insistent on disarming us. They want no condign resistance to the tyranny they plan to impose. They have this view of them passing gun control and the 150,000,000 or so American who own firearms meekly lining up to turn them over to the left's beloved police. Not going to happen. probably 90% will do just that, but the remaining 15 million more or less aren't going to go peacefully.
Plus it isn't going to be the gun owners and police who get all the casualties. This will be an asymmetric conflict with Democrat donors, politicians and bureaucrats and their families ambushed and killed. And it won't be poor hapless gun owners making a last stand against overwhelming numbers of swat thugs. Think IEDs and EFPs with improvised claymores raking police parking lots at shift change. The cold dead hands will include as many prominent leftists in the media as can be found and dispatched by stealthy means. And there will probably be in the 15 million or so a number of skilled chemists who will do things like make and dispatch horrors like VX in neighborhoods that went exclusively for Hillary. It will be REALLY UGLY. Think Kosovo and you have to wonder if anyone in their right mind wants that for the USA. The hatred the left has for us average citizens is equal to anything you can find in the Balkans
But we can't stop it. We aren't the ones trying to take away the leftists' rights and money. We're content to leave them alone and let them stew in their own failures like Detroit. The only ones who can end this mess are the leftists and they apparently want to push on to open warfare.
When they get headlong to the edge, do we let them go off, or do we do the same age-old RINO thingy and snatch their defeat from the jaws of victory?
IMHO, we should push over any that refuse to go over on their own....LOL
Their third weakness is their constant harping on Trump voters being racist, homophobes, haters, deplorables, etc. The newest was unveiled last week after the Duluth rally when Rolling Stone declared that all the people [hardworking miners from NE Minnesota, etc. and NW Wisconsin voters], were lightweight Yahoos.
The use of such specific epithets towards voters ought to be repeated over and over again. Never let the people forget the contempt that Democrats, aka Socialists, aka Atheists, etc. have for them.
"Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States."Justice John Marshall, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
The big problem that Democrats are now facing is this imo. After decades of unthinkingly winning instant gratification votes from low-information voters by promising such voters unconstitutional federal funding for abortion, along with having to preserve the politically correct, constitutionally unenumerated right to have an abortion by mainting a pro-abortion activist justice Supreme Court majority, career Democrats have discovered that they have stupidly wiped out their voting pool to the extent that even Hillary can't wire the ballot boxes enough to win an election.
In other words, all that Democratic open borders are imo is a kitchen sink attempt by Democrats to increase the size of their voting pool in order to remain in power so that they can continue stealing state revenues and citizens wallets with unconstitutional federal taxes.
The remedy
Patriots need to finish the job that they started when they elected Trump president.
More specifically, patriots now need to be making sure that there are plenty of Trump-supporting candidates on the 2018 primary ballots, candidates who will be willing to support Pres. Trump in politically "forcing" Congress to surrender state powers that it has stolen from the states back to the states.
Patriots then need to pink-slip career lawmakers by sending patriot candidate lawmakers to DC on election day and give the care of the people back to the states.
... the care of the property, the liberty, and the life of the citizen, under the solemn sanction of an oath imposed by your Federal Constitution, is in the States, and not in the Federal Government [emphases added]. Rep. John Bingham, Congressional Globe, 1866. (See about middle of 3rd column.)
Patriots also need to support Trump in leading the states to repeal the 16th and ill-conceived 17th Amendment (17A) to make Congress's surrendering of state powers back to the states permanent.
And until the states wise up and repeal the 17A, as evidenced by concerns about the integrity of the outcome of Alabama's and Pennsylvania's special elections, patriot candidates need to win elections by a large enough margin to compensate for the following concerns.
Keep Democrats from impeaching Trump.
Democratic Rep. Al Green says he will force House impeachment vote
Young, misguided, newly registered pro-gun control voters who are likely clueless about the fed's constitutionally limited powers.
Possible deep state ballot box fraud and associated MSM scare tactics.
Interference from people like Soros.
When and if the American People realize it’s not a republican democrat thing it’s Americans versus communists,we MIGHT have a chance of saving the country.
Dear God, please, please, please let the Democrats keep this up for the rest of the summer.
Yep, The lunatics are killing themselves and we are making progress.
2 More SCOTUS and “Game Over Man....Game Over...”