I learned the following because I was a contract engineer. So I was interviewing for a lot for jobs. I went from the worst interviewer to one who could just about always get a job offer, just based on experience.
My advice to young people (I have helped about 6 or 7 so far)
1. (This is the big one.) Never say “no” to any question. Always divert. So, if you are asked if you have experience with X, answer “I don’t, but I have experience with Y or I know based on my experience I could be trained.” Just never leave a hanging “no” to any question.
2. All experience, all previous jobs, all previous bosses, all previous teachers and all schooling was great. Never be negative about any of them.
3. Use reflection. If the job description says “rotating equipment engineer”, then use that terminology in your resume’ and your oral statements.
4. Never lie.
5. If you don’t smoke, let them know. They can’t ask but you can volunteer the information. A non-smoker will be way ahead of a smoker in the long run.
6. What are your weaknesses? “I have trouble working on a team where some of the others are not pulling their weight.’
7. Do you have questions for me? Yes, when do I start?
Thanks so much. Excellent points. I’ll be showing it to my son.