Kim having been educated in a western country, I have always suspected this to be the case. It has taken him this long to get this going. Trump was the final Catalyst.
If this works, then the negative nattering nabobs will turn around to saying oh, North Korea was going to open up anyhow, and expend barrels of ink on talking that point, and give a bare pass to Donald Trump. One can’t really win a tails-you-lose heads-i-win game. But Donald was placed for this purpose at this time.
I do believe that Kim saw Trump as the only one he could deal was a smart move on Kims part to align with Trump and China not one or the other. Somehow Trump got through to Xi what ‘other’ options could work better than the same old past failures. And China was ready for a solution.
In my personal opinion God did a remarkable work in positioning all parties and this by the influence of his good spirit on their hearts and minds and the good work of those willing to do what had to be done.