A police state like Singapore is not such a bad thing if its enforced by a pro-capitalist, anti-leftist government ... in fact its a far better option in terms of quality of life than being in a leftist “worker’s paradise” where you wuld not only lose you political rights, but also your right to enjoy the fruits of your labor ...
... I tell you all that the light of civilization is far more likely to be preserved in the Orient in future centuries than it is in Europe (America is still an open question) ... the cultural homogeneity of China, Japan and smaller states like Singapore has proved to be a resiliant anti-body to the cultural and economic Marxist brain-virus that currently infests the West ...
... before anyone misunderstands what I just wrote, YES I meant to write “China” because their culture survived two generations fo rule by the Marxists, and they are now a prosperous quasi-fascist capitalist state (the “Chinese Communist Party” name is just for continuity sake, something the Orientals are big on ....) ... China today is an exaple of a growing and functioning fascist capitalist state ... a far better option than the horrors and poverty that preceded it ....
It’s really basically law and order....with appropriate punishments if you break it. Here we have an Attorney fed system...not Justice nor punishment.