Anythingthat allowsthose who entered the USA illegallyto benefit from thatillegal actisAMNESTYand will incentivizemillions moreto come for their amnesty.STOPgiving prizes to invaders! |
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Right-click this image, or just drag it to the desktop, and save it. Email it; post it on your Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts. Send a copy to President Trump, your Senators and Reps right now and whenever you communicate with them. When you get fundraising solicitations, include a copy in your reply. Send copies to your friends and family and ask them to do likewise. Spread it everywhere. |
Do it now! |
So if I rob a bank due to being hungry, needing money to buy food, does that mean I would be allowed to skate free? Ryan is a disgrace to the country, the Repubs and also Wisconsin.