Thats what happens when everybody in the District of Corruption decides to ignore part of the Constitution to have the first black President.
Illegitimate usurpers have no respect for the law or the Constitution. Why should they?
He had eight long years to stuff our government with true believers.
Almost everyone in the District of Corruption is complicit.
Not one of our elected or appointed stood up for the Constitution.
Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen.
His father was a foreign national which made him a British subject at birth. That makes him not naturally an American.
People with multiple citizenships, loyalties, allegiances were precisely who the founders were excluding from the office with the natural born citizen requirement.
It means you are naturally a citizen because the circumstances of your birth leave no other option and require no action of law.
Born here of citizen parents.
I expect the next democrat that gets in the WH will drop all pretense of going through congress to pass laws. It will just be rule by dictate. They just get worse and worse..crazier and crazier with every drink of power they get.