Never hunted, but took yearly fishing trips to Canada for many a year. The big game season was relatively short and happened at the end of the fishing season. If you take fly in trips there aren't any trails to speak of. The terrain doesn't permit tracking. They put out a bait or make calls and blast the creature when it shows up. That isn't my cup of tee, but as a fisherman it is less likely there will be a troublesome bear at the outpost cabin while I am there.
Fast forward to Alaska. The transportation fees, lodge fees, guide fees, and permit fees are huge. If you can't even got a shot off at big game, why would you spend $20K. Word gets around..
We never baited the bears...We’d drive the logging roads and have a “strike” dog on the hood or the top...Believe it or not, a good “strike” dog could smell if a bear had crossed or went down the logging road in the past few hours...He’d start baying, then we’d get the trail dogs out and have at it...