Michael E. Diamond served as a military intelligence officer in the United States Army Reserve for seven years.
No years given
MI in the reserve. Why should I believe anything this yob says?
I don’t disparage him for speaking his mind about how he feels about guns. That is his right.
I deeply and with prejudice disparage the notion he seems to have that he speaks for other people who have also served in the military.
I ran into people like him in the “Veterans for Peace” group at confrontations down in Washington during protests. We had eight active duty Marines in civvies who had just returned from a tour of duty in combat, I met them in Arlington while visiting my dad’s grave and invited them to join us.
When we encountered this Vet for Peace guy, one of the Marines with us took extreme exception with what the guy was saying and had to be held back by his buddies.
That is why it bugged me to read this guy’s comments. He DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ME.
And he DEFINITELY does not speak for THOSE men.