20 years ago we didn’t have the number of illegal aliens coming into the US as we have in the past 10-15 years, which included a lot of active and future criminals, esp. from the drug cartels and gangs.
The figures for gun use for protection should be at least double that of the studies.
In actual fact it is probably much more than double. One of the most hilarious gun studies I have ever heard of is when two anti-gun researchers working for the Department of Justice (Cook and Ludwig)set out to prove Kleck's very first study wrong.
That first Kleck study put the number of DGU at 6MM. Cook and Ludwig did what they considered a better study, and THEIR OWN NUMBERS put the DGU at not six, but twenty million per year. They spent most of the conclusions section showing how THEIR OWN STUDY had to have been badly flawed "somehow".