Some of these could be avoided by slow changes (frog in boiling pot), and accepting tyranny over generations.
But this starts one thinking about the potential tipping point events that would prompt future massive crippling riots, or even secessions:
1) a Liberal Supreme Court decision by a new 5th lib judge
2) the loss of federal retirement benefits due to debt
3) large-scale federal gun confiscations
4) states or counties opting out of the debt and the whole federal scheme
5) confiscation of 401ks
6) a presidents impeachment over a non-impeachable offense...
I would add, Needed changes, or complete loss of Medicare, and Medicaid benefits.
Just for reference - there are 40 sitting Democrat congress-slime who couldn't see that Rapin Bill Clinton's obstruction of justice was actual obstruction of justice.
Yet 100% of those political slimeballs will do a 180 on obstruction charges against President Trump.
Shucks Chumer actually got THREE bites at that apple - as a congressman, as a member of the House judiciary committee, and then as a newly elected US senator.
He did the Three Monkeys - hear no obstruction, see no obstruction, speak no obstruction.
Go long Louisville sluggers...