Posted on 04/19/2018 5:17:19 PM PDT by Enlightened1
I guess I'll make this a DAILY routine and I'm sure there are other FB cookies such as 'fb' that need deleting too.
Yahoo tracks you. They all do. But using Yahoo’s search engine and being tracked by Yahoo is one thing. Using Yahoo’s search engine and Facebook tracking you on Yahoo is another.
“No cookies for the Facebook”
Fixed it
No cookies for the Facebook monster
Install Ghostery and NoScripts
This is interesting.
MeWe began in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as a vision hatched over a dinner between good friends who were early founders of social media. With Facebook all the rage, they felt something critically human was getting lost: the spirit of our democracy and the backbone of our privacy. The big technology companies, you know who they are, had reverted to treating us as commodities. They somehow mistook people signing up to use their services as a welcome invitation to target, track, spy, and sell our information to advertisers and the government. All in all, it felt pretty creepy.
Force? That’s kinda funny. It’s also why I have two separate accounts. The “fake” one is what I use to post all over the internet.
“Wait till people really understand the digital license plate for your car thats coming”
Wow! I can now get pulled over immediately for :
1> Speeding (even if .1 MPH over the limit ... TOUGH!)
2> Registration (forgot to send it in by a day or two... TOUGH!)
3> Inspection / Emissions (again, get really busy, procrastinated, failed to do it, but was going to on the weekend ... tough!)
4> Stoplights ... if I cross right when the light is changing to red, I’m doomed ... TOUGH! Instant fine.
5> Failing to come to a complete, dead stop at a stop sign. You only slowed to 1MPH at the stop sign ... TOUGH!!
I’m sure there’s a lot more. I’m sure the car insurance companies are going to *love* this too. Doesn’t matter if 20+ years of driving shows that you’re a safe driver ... each “microviolation” will add up thus jacking rates up through the roof.
What’s awesome is that I get to pay $600 for one of these for the privilege of driving (this is on top of the obscene amount of taxes paid for roads). At least the state will send cool advertisements on my plates and make more “revenue” for all of their various pet projects.
Figures MA loves this idea ... I’m sure PA is chomping at the bits to adopt this nightmare.
....and when I USED to be on FB I used a disposable email that was created and used ONLY for FB. I ditched them months ago and set up a MeWe account. MeWe is very similar, but limited, as there are not nearly as many users (yet).
I just deleted mine.
I told you last year I was just going to borrow them for an hour! Are you using your finish nailer?
I dont use Messenger or FB on my phone, dont let it report my location and only have FB on my desktop computer which hasnt moved in over a decade.
What will FakeBook do when they find out I spend more time here than there and havent left my house in over 10 years?
“The internet is addictive. It was designed to be.”
The “pre-internet” was designed to be a computer network capable of surviving a nuclear war.
The internet as we know it was designed to be a big ass database filled with lots of information that anyone can use and/or augment.
Social media is whats designed to be addictive. It’s a great idea, but it’s *so* easy to exploit users. I like the idea of having a piece of cake, easy to use personal space where I can stay in touch with people I’ve encountered from all over the world. I’d actually pay for Facebook if the price was reasonable and they weren’t using me as marketing fodder.
I have nothing to hide when it comes to my silly web activities ... anything I do online isn’t anything I’d hide in real life, but man it’s frigging disgusting that they’re into tracking where users go to “fine tune advertisements”.
Bye bye FAKEbook.
AdBlock for FaceBook as well.
Do have a similar pen name FB account. A strictly ficticious person with ficticious postings. I only use my FB account to check company FB accounts.
Most people will gladly sign their liberty away or are too stupid to realize that Facebook owns your personal information. Orwell had nothing compared to what we see today concerning the internet.
I do not have a smart phone. The email is also linked to the face name
I bought the Office365 Business service for email for my family. We do have to pay a little ($4/user/month) but it’s business-tier email that is not scavenged by a Google or Facebook.
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