Everyone here who publicly said they were ok with bump stock bans owns some responsibility for this.
This is why you don’t give an inch. I’m sad much of FR wasn’t capable seeing that because we of all people should know better.
The trouble isn’t over even if this bill in MN is stopped. What’s the NRA to do now? If it continues to support Trump it demonstrates its political irrelevance. What happens then? If it doesn’t support Trump we get a grabber in office in 2020. What happens then?
This is why the people who said bump stocks were not the hill to die on were wrong and the NRA was wrong. “Oh we don’t want to spend political capital on a stupid toy!” Bzzzzt. Wrong. You threw away political capital trying to score points with people who would shove you into ovens in death camps if they had their way.
For all that people said that bump stocks were not the hill to die on, an awful lot of Americans in Florida, Vermont, and now maybe Minnesota are dying on that hill.
You all should’ve fought when it might’ve made a difference. Now we are going to claw and scratch to just stop the tide and reduce the damage. We will be damned lucky if we escape this with our political relevance intact.
I would say I’m sorry if I offended anyone but...well, I’m not.
The conservative tent is fairly large and encompasses a lot of issues. This only works if we support each other, and right now, the conservative movement’s friendship towards gun owners appears to be of a fair weather nature. Even among conservatives picking on 2A voters is socially acceptable.
There are a lot of very pro-2A people who’ve been saying that the GOP are not our allies and neither are most conservatives. So far, nothing has happened to disabuse the 2A people of that notion. Trump’s insistence on legislating bump stocks by executive fiat contrary to clear wording of federal law, as if he were some kind of king, is not helping.
There are some real cracks starting to show in the base and most of those are self inflicted. ***Stop trying to throw them a bone. It will not placate them, it will make them worse***
It’s very simple: if you don’t care about our issue we will STOP caring about yours. And then we shall all hang separately as Mr Franklin once said.
I agree with everything that you said, but particularly
“This is why the people who said bump stocks were not the hill to die on were wrong and the NRA was wrong. Oh we dont want to spend political capital on a stupid toy! Bzzzzt. Wrong. You threw away political capital trying to score points with people who would shove you into ovens in death camps if they had their way.”
That IS the bottom line - our opponents are LEFTISTS. Not liberals, but LEFTISTS. Liberals may be naive and/or stupid, but they at least generally play by the rules. The Leftists, OTOH, ONLY want to win, and will do anything necessary to do that...up to, and including, literally putting us in cattle cars and later disposing of our bodies. Both sides of my family have been victimized, some by Russian Leftists (Communists) and some by German Leftists (Nazis); I have studied these people for most of my life, and I KNOW what their endgame is. Suffice it to say that it doesn’t end well for those who like freedom and individual liberties.
Fight these people - always and everywhere. Failure to do so when it is easy (with words, letters, emails, voting, etc.) will make doing so with guns, knives and bombs necessary...and that will be much harder.
Here are 2 links that people need to peruse:
http://www.market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=233259 A call by Karl Denninger to contact BATFE in opposition to the ban on bump stocks. This thing CAN be stopped - but we need overwhelming and reasoned comments. Do your part (that’s the collective “you”) while it is easy.
The Gun Rights Cake Analogy - by Law Dog: http://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-repost.html
This states, very succinctly, why we can NO LONGER COMPROMISE: because we have ALREADY compromised, many times, and it has never done ANYTHING for us. The other side keeps coming back for more and more every year, with literally no end in sight except total confiscation. We know where this train ride terminates...so it is time to disembark RIGHT F’ING NOW!!!! Send this Law Dog post to anyone who advocates compromise, from now until the day you die - make it go viral. Get the word out: compromise only means a long, slow, suffering death.