>>We’re not a nation of laws anymore, we’re a nation of chosen individuals and everyone else.
True. We’ve been this way for decades, but it took God’s anointed, President Trump, for it to be exposed.
Now that we know it, what is to be done about it, that is where we are at, at this point.
Until then, the gap that's always existed to some degree and that ebbed and flowed with changing political winds, was something they tried to keep from being too obvious and there were too many people with some small bit of moral fiber left in them that made sure there were limits.
Now? Tell a little lie on your Foodstamp application so you get an extra fifty dollars a month which means your part time job leaves you enough to buy gasoline for your wreck and you're criminal scum. Steal billions from a charity that is advertised worldwide and enjoys a tax free existence and you're a hero worthy of being invited to the right parties and asked to travel on Clinton's favorite Bang Em' Airlines to a private island.