Or, do they realize the American public is itching for this fight with China...and let the dumb-ass Republicans fight POTUS on their own?
Weaning ourselves from easy money at the expense of our Republic should be a “teachable moment”.
We will survive. Will China?
A little sacrifice today will reap huge benefits tomorrow.
That is the way of personal budgeting, of athletics, of government... of many things in life.
For too long the politicians have promised us instant gratification instead of investing for the future. It has cost us dearly.
Trump is demonstrating leadership with real vision.
From "The Week" How China Can Win a Trade War in One Move
“Shooting yourself in the foot will make you much stronger.”
I will absolutely be happy to pay more for American made products.
Of course Trump is right. This is the best course of action after China has taken advantage of us for decades with absolute impunity.
Having said that, Trump is making a huge mistake here.
As we have seen the corrupt MSM and Democrats (same) are amplifying the fear of all this. The markets are reacting. These same corrupt entities are actually telegraphing to China what their next move should be to cause the most pain, and therefore the most damage to America. That is what the left does.
Trump has been in office over a year now. He has never had a fireside chat with Americans. Why not. Now is the time for Trump to get in Prime Time and lay out for the American people what he is doing and why it is vital to the country. Right now Trump has ceded the narrative to those in this country who despise Trump and are more than willing to allow our country get seriously damaged.
This may escalate into a trade “war”. As a result, it is incumbent upon the President to prepare the country and outline his vision. Prepare the country for short-term pain and show the benefits to long-term success.
He is the Commander-in-Chief and he needs to get before the American people and lead.
If the country can stick together...can America stay United for more than 24hrs? That’s the real question
What doesn’t kill you....makes you stronger.
American business has to see the long-term value in not allowing China to continue to steal our stuff.
But when you make off the wall comments, like the $100B and Kudlow found out when he said it, just zip it. JMO.
Pain huh? Predictions are now at best a 40% hit! I don’t know about anyone else, but that wipes out our retirement!
China is a non event when it comes to US exports, much of it commodity based.The US exports only an insignificant 130 billion to China out of our 15 trillion dollar economy. We export at least twice as much to each the EU, Mexico and Canada.The price we pay for these miniscule exports is China basically steals our technology to build their future which is at least as equally as important as the 500 billion they export to the US which represents a huge part of their global trade surplus and enriches them to build weapons systems and military islands offshore. Lastly the argument that we consumers pay more for tariff levied imports from China. Two arguments. a)suck it up, so you pay $1.25 rather than a buck for that can opener from Walmart as the aftershock of solving a toxic national economic issue b} there are other third world countries that will take up the slack and have already started doing so and in a few months your can opener will be back down to a buck.
The problem is as CS Lewis once said, we are lacking real men in these generations. Real men understand you have to feel short term pain for a greater gain. Our instant gratification society can’t wait.
I’d wager most of the stock market “panic” is more of a “wait and see what markets will be depressed and which will flourish as things settle in” deal to leverage the new environment - similar to what happened after the tax Bill....about time to have a President who will come out and tell the truth that it may cause some “inconveniences” rather than concoct something even worse than what is supposed to be fixed in order to calm the Sheeple...
In addition to tariffs Trump should ask Congress to make MADE IN CHINA mandatory on product labeling.