Pure BS. Defending our country IS the reason for a military in the first place. Stupid libtards.
Placing troops on our border is going to be INFINITELY more popular than placing them in Iraq or Afghanistan.
See, this is the mistake the Soviets made in that old movie, Red Dawn. They parachuted directly onto US soil and fighting ensued.
Had this columnist been in around to advise them, the Soviets would have just taken a couple of ships to Mexico, offloaded their troops there, and marched into AZ CA and TX because according to this columnist, US troops can’t be used to hold back an invading force.
>>Pure BS. Defending our country IS the reason for a military in the first place. Stupid libtards.<<
Absolutely correct. This idea being floated by the MSM that protecting the country from invaders is a police action needs to be rebutted by the President and his supporters. Is the control and protection of American airspace and the ocean on our coasts also police actions? TOTAL BULLSH!T. The President needs to immediately rebut this leftist garbage by sending several armored divisions to seal the border.