Oh I get it the arterigram dye...lord Im stupid
Ive had my first EPS cardio cath at 25
Two arteriograms in 04/05
And one last Christmas
I shoulda known what you meant..sorry
Im headed for a retrograde CTO PCI in Chicago in three weeks...you can google CARDIAC CTO PCI ...if you want to really have some fun
Fancy attempt at opening up very old blockage from a bad since birth LAD
My other arteries are non remarkable and I survive however lousy from Gods collaterals around the LAD
if it works and only a few joints do this itll be a major change cause I have a huge chunk of left ventricle waiting to be awakened with oxygenated blood supply ....its hibernating not dead being kept alive by trickling O2 blood getting there from hundreds of little Gods benevolence bypasses
My LAD is almost totally bridged intramuscular which can be a big issue in some cases like mine
I knew something was amiss early 20s forty years ago and been tryin g to stay ahead of it ever since
As for dyes there are contrast medium alternatives ....not quite as good as iodine derivatives but they should suffice for routine blockage determination
I reread your post ......are you saying the VA does arteriograms in out patient facilities
That should be done in a hospital because if they can stent they will do it right then
Simple stem ting is fairly routine these days....as routine as wires in your heart can be
Make sure they use this new platelet inhibitor stents if they can
Youll be fine.....dealing with kidney disease is more of a hassle than routine stents
Hang in there
The **very best** to both of you.