No president in our history has ever been subjected to this amount of s**t from his political opposition, both outside of and within his own party and the media! Yet, he perseveres and keeps the agenda moving. Yeah, we had a hiccup on Friday, but watching that disgraceful March For our Lives dog and pony show over the weekend made me realize the president is the only one standing in the way of these demented leftists taking over the country. It may be too late for us now, but as long we still have a chance to save the country this is the man who has to lead the fight!
correct... how he withstands is inspiring to all of us. He needs our prayers, our notes to White House with support, our tweets of support
correct... how he withstands is inspiring to all of us. He needs our prayers, our notes to White House with support, our tweets of support
He gets through all this nonsense because people are praying for him. Prayer works