Posted on 03/23/2018 3:08:32 PM PDT by A Navy Vet
Now that President Trump didn't veto this monster spending bill, I believe it was more about the threat of Fedgov shutdown than the immediacy to re-build our military. He would be the target because of the MSM hating Trump, while those media outlets being a blatant supporter of all things Democrat/Liberal and even Socialism.
Watch how that plays out in the next month or so...
The very last thing he'll do is to publicly short-change our military services.
Really, an effective discussion board would have regular posts containing summaries and texts of introduced bills and calls for writing legislators on all bills important to subscribers.
Many Democrats use the following site—mostly feminist women who can read and write.
Nearly no Republicans use it except for those telling legislators that we want what the Democrats are having (the feminists and homoactivists pretending to be on our side in discussions like the one we’re having).
It’s so much easier to be a Slobovian and continue quacking outrage.
A veto would not have brought us a separate military funding bill or anything like that, so he is right to sign in that respect. But it is disappointing that there was so much lost here, you could hear it in Trump's voice today. Some of this is tactical failure, and some is the political culture. Too many votes for "my" big spending congresscritter while decrying big spending.
Not entirely true. His base was mostly about draining The Swamp in DC. He just gave the Deep State more leverage. Please don't lecture me about support for the Armed Forces. I did 11 years and have worked with numerous organizations to support active duty and Veterans after. I still support them in various ways.
Again, Trump could have vetoed and made his press conference about the obscene spending and request Congress to forward a separate bill for Defense.
It's apparent that Secretary of Defense Mattis convinced him otherwise during a late meeting because there was increased military funding in the un-read, middle night passage, of a pork-laden bill.
Omnibus Bill of 2018: President Trump, "Because there is a huge increase in defense spending, I have signed it." My addition: "I couldn't wait a couple months for a separate defense bill".
Maybe. As I've been saying, I think Trump and Sessions are playing rope-a-dope with Mueller and the Deep State. We'll see when the DOJ Inspector General releases his report. However, it may be so redacted as to not give Americans the complete picture. Then it will be about FOIA lawsuits that go on for years.
A Navy Vet "Not entirely true. His base was mostly about draining The Swamp in DC. He just gave the Deep State more leverage. Please don't lecture me about support for the Armed Forces. I did 11 years and have worked with numerous organizations to support active duty and Veterans after. I still support them in various ways."
Apparently you misinterpreted the significance of my statement about the military being Trump's Power Base.
And, also apparently,, you're not "in the "Qanon intel loop".
Trump just tricked Congress into providing him with both the funding and the expertise needed to build the entire border wall!
And -- those of us "in the QLoop" have had clues to that info for quite a while!
The latest "Qdrop" was a repeat of parts of earlier ones:
963 Clock activated. RED_CASTLE. GREEN_CASTLE. Stage_5:5[y] Q
(HINT: "RED"= Unit & "GREEN = HQ address...)
To see how that "Qdrop" foretells how Trump is bypassing Congress to build The Wall, see the graphic at
FRiend, you are 'way behind the knowledge curve... :-(
At the very least, you would do well to read the links in the first part of ransomnote's M, W, & F "Q Anon: FRiendly Freeper Collaboration" threads...
And, it probably wouldn't hurt to check in on Sean Hannity and Sara A. Carter on Fox news. [And take a very close look at Hannity's flag lapel pin...] '-)
Most likely he has.
Trump just let all the Rino's shoot themselves in the foot. With him signing this last bill he will force them to finally get back to coming up with a budget we have lacked all through Obama era politics...
Per the Constitution the President must adhere to a Budget set forth by Congress and direct the expenditures as provided therein.
This is another one of those big Porkulus Bills, like they gave Obama for 8 years. This is not a Budget.. An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some instructions as to how the money will be spent but Obama ignored them. He spent the money, or didnt spend it, however he wanted to.
And Congress didnt do a thing about it! Because they couldnt...
~So it appears Trump is miles ahead of them and has complete discretion on how to spend the money. How how a Omnibus bill works...
........................ rodguy911 planeboy 41 minutes ago Wow great catch!According to this Trump can basically do whatever he wants with no law prohibiting it and with a recent opposition potus doing exactly that! He has outsmarted everyone once again! Am I surprised?NO!! Below from the link.
Per the Constitution the President must adhere to a Budget set forth by Congress and direct the expenditures as provided therein.
This is another one of those big Porkulus Bills, like they gave Obama for 8 years. This is not a Budget.. An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some instructions as to how the money will be spent but Obama ignored them. He spent the money, or didnt spend it, however he wanted to.
And Congress didnt do a thing about it! Because they couldnt..
And, it is only for 6 months..
I think our President observed how this happened, year after year.
He is bound to realize that those appropriations for different things in these Omnibus bills are merely suggestions.
So like Obama, Pres Trump can spend this money on whatever he wants to.
Or not spend it.,P> Planned Parenthood?
What if our President decided to tell the Treas Dept to slow-walk that money to Planned Parenthood until the Senate gets off their ass and confirms his appointees?
Sanctuary Cities?
As usual while eveyrone is genuflecting over how Trump was screwed over by the hard left and the rino contingent one more time, he has outsmarted everyone!!,p> Never underestimate Trump!! He is smarter than anyone who has ever held the office.
As usual you are right K.
Trump signed the bill since he can spend the money any ol way he wants.He has a precedent of Obama doing exactly that only a few years ago.Once again Trump has outsmarted everyone as you suggested and once again your are absolutely correct!!
Trump was set up and the Dems/RINOs wanted him to veto it so they could override to “save the day” from the guy who “claimes to want a strong military but vetoed the best funding Bill in military history - because he wouldn’t “compromise on a ‘few little things’”. He threw down the gauntlet at the Presser and if all his soldiers don’t go AWOL because they have cognitive dissonance disorder he can still win the war for us.
Did you read 27 and 28,Trump is too smart to be set up.
Too smart to step on the land mines the Dems and RINOs planted anyway - he threw down the gauntlet during the Presser and made it clear that the Repubs are betraying the People and in collusion with the Dems.
I could have, but my take is his base is civilian Swamp Drainers and not the military who are mostly just doing their jobs and not political junkies like us.
"And, also apparently,, you're not "in the "Qanon intel loop"."
Have no idea what that is. Inform me, please.
I agree with Trump having the MI power base; but, the bigger reason for funding the military NOW, is that he plans to use them soon. Hopefully, it will be peace through strength ... but, failing that, then: VICTORY.
I believe we have the power to take out NorK and Iran nuclear programs (and without going nuclear ourselves); but, then what?
We would need to still be at full strength to avoid retaliation from China/Russia.
>>I think Trump and Sessions are playing rope-a-dope with Mueller and the Deep State.<<
Mueller almost has to be part of the team, along with Rosenstein and Wray.
Other than that, I agree with you.
BTW, Jay Sekulow was saying yesterday that the fact McCabe’s lawyers cannot see all the documents yet is PROOF that McCabe is under Grand Jury investigation. The question is, by whom? Mueller; or an as-yet unknown prosecutor?
You refer to Caassius clay. A better referenci is Franklin Roosevelt.
As President, he conducted a massive war is extreme secrecy. He did not permit violation of the national security by leaks to the press.
Trump is maintaining war time secrecy
BTW, TXnMA is probably out fishing on Texoma right now, and fools like us are trying to discourse with him. :( sentiments exactly... DC is beginning to stink like an overly used commode... It's well past time we put the lid down and push the lever....
The Wall (USACOE)
-- and --
the Deep State (Marines).
We'll see...
DRAT! Had a large, link-filled reply in the FREditor for you -- but, apparently lost it while trying to respond to a flurry of comments/responses.
I'll work on re-constituting it [offline, in my code editor]. (Lots of folks need help with that question!}
(Sooner or later, I hope I'll learn not edit important stuff online...) :-{
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