Not true. Our 2A rights are severely infringed but we can and do own firearms.
Most of Maryland is actually pretty red conservative. My county went 70% Trump and with only one exception has all Republican political leadership.
Whoever the shooter is certainly broke numerous laws before ever pulling the trigger.
In Maryland’s case, transport alone was technically illegal.
For transport, one must be going to or from a legitimate shooting activity (range), a gunsmith, a gun show or to purchase or sell said gun.
The firearm must be unloaded and inaccessible to the driver. Ammunition must be separate.
Then there’s carrying a gun onto school property. Also illegal.
Entering the building. Also illegal
If the gun was recently purchased, did he take the 8 hour Handgun Qualification Safety class, get fingerprinted, obtain his NICS check and wait the prescribed 7 day waiting period? Or, did he just go buy one from some guy?
I despise all of the restrictions in this state. This situation won’t help. The general asylum in Annapolis is still in session so they may try to speed ram more gun control down our throats. I’m sure they are feverishly writing down more infringements before rigor mortis even sets in
Thanks for all the details.
Sounds similar to life and makes a formula, where we were just lucky enough to be in a remote county that allowed concealed carry. But transporting was still very regulated.
So imagine my surprise when I moved to Tennessee, and the first thing I saw was a guy at Walmart with a Glock on his hip buying chicken breasts. It was so refreshing! then I found out almost everyone at church had a concealed weapon, either on their person or in a bag. Then a neighbor came over to visit and he mustve had three guns on him. One was strapped to his ankle.
I think were ready for civil war two.