I was traveling along the Gulf Coast in May of 2006, the year after Katrina. I met a Mexican in a small camp ground in Alabama or Mississippi. He was working for an Atlanta, GA company, but working near the camp site. They paid him $4 an hour (min. wage was around $5.65 or $5.85?), and sent most of his money home for wife and kids. I asked if paid enough in Mexico would he rather work there or in the US. He said at home, but liked the US because “the police are honest.” We really have to help the Mexicans get on top of their crime and corrupt police issues.
Why should WE help a country that invades our territory, then demands that we give them everything from housing to food stamps? Then they complain that we don't speak THEIR language!
I'd rather they just say Thank You, and GTFO of MY country!