Jarrett is a hard core member of the ‘Death to America’ crowd.
Oh Valerie, come on, girl.
You and the Mooch with The Won are out, and now, people aren’t afraid of having the truth come out.
There is only one reason I would ever even consider voluntarily being in the same place at the same time as Louis Farrakhan.
Assuming the services were being held within easy walking distance of my front porch, I would seriously consider foregoing all other recreational activities to attend his funeral... ... and pi$$ on his grave.
[with apologies to Mark Twain]
I wonder what this Persian harpy knew about the spying on Trump and his campaign.
Lying ladies (left wing scum).
VJ is simply tuning up her Taqiyya chops like any good Mohammedan.
Effective leaders use their voice.
So profound
Good old Val is a Jew hater as well. She might want to read up on the bible rather than her trusty Koran. The bible makes it pretty clear that it’s best to embrace the Jews rather than hate them.
IMHO, the issue is not merely meeting with Farrakhan, but rather, not publicly challenging him or those crazy ideas of his. Democrats are hypocrites in that they want his support privately, but then will deny it publicly.
Trump is going to meet Kim Jung-eun. It doesn’t imply he agrees with him
Jarrett is practicing honor lying for islam here. Specifically al-muruna. She can make up any lie necessary as long as in her heart shes dong it to protect and further islam.
Val and Louie are a pair of African Muslim pigs.
Lipstick on a pig....
She met with the Koch brothers?
That’s because valjar the sow is a muslim pig.
Only if the Koch brothers want all whites and Jews dead.
Part of learning to be a leader effectively is that you have to use your voice and you have to be very clear,
Yes, judging from that cozy picture of the two snakes, they may have been heading toward a private room.
I have not heard anti-Semitic rants from the Koch brothers.
Head on a stick on Pennsylvania avenue along with her cohorts
Who did the Koch brothers hate so much as to call him/her the devil, or any of the other names Mr. ferrycan calls Jews.
What group of people do the Kochs claim is trying to kill or repress another group.
Do these people even think before they talk.