“Poorly defined. Leaving the details up to the unelected will be amother disaster.”
That’s the problem with most laws, whether they be gun, ecology, transportation or whatever. The folks writing the regs around the laws have the real political power.
Enforce existing law. That little nut job in FL should have been in a straight jacket years ago.
Congress have been derelect in their duty to write the laws, run the budget, and review bureaucratic operation.
They seem lazy and unwilling to accept responsibility....
this was a total failure of lazy cops...its that simple. This is all getting very annoying..Trump did the same photo op stunt with immigration...knock it off with the “playing it up for television”...its making him look like a senile idiot..”grab the guns, then go for the due process second”...he sounds crazier tman.han those weird, flaky kids...