Good idea, and the logical answer.
Naturally, it’ll drive the left crazy because logical answers are like garlic to a vampire for them.
And - is it just me, or has this whole school shooting story getting more than tiresome? I’m sick of hearing people whine about it. I’m sick of hearing people bat around useless “solutions.” I’m sick of people saying “we must have a con-ver-sation!” with crocodile tears dripping down their faces.
If they’re not willing to lock the school doors, arm a few teachers and have security at schools this is what they’re going to get. End of story.
The only other thing I would do to “end” school shootings is make it a given that the shooter is not given the publicity that he / she/ it desires. I mean, Fox News had helicopters following the ambulance for 10 minutes that was taking Cruz to the hospital for no particular reason. This is just ambulance chasing (in this case, literally).
We must have a con-ver-sa-tion. Now shut up and do everything I tell you. I’m a victim.