Opened a window out on the porch awhile ago. Cats are loving it.
Our cats came running in when it started thundering this morning. It’s been so long, they forgot what that was. Not much rain but we’ll take what we can get.
The neighbor’s dog barked all night and the skunk got him good. Knock on wood, figured ours would meet up with the skunk any time now. FYI, a bath in hydrogen peroxide and baking soda takes care of 90% of the stink.
Filled the crock pot with chili. And, yes, going to take some over to mother since she said she’s been wanting some of her mama’s recipe. Naturally, no beans.
It is 64 here in southern New Hampshire. I have my electrolysis de-rusting tank set up and cleaning the cutter, collars, spacer and nut from my 70-year old shaper. This evening, I will hang my chisels and gouges and hopefully, clean them before the temperatures turn south.
Wasn’t today beautiful
Really felt and smelled like Spring!