It is just a Liberal Talking Point. The police were at his house 39 times in 7 years and did nothing.
What the bible calls the “law of love” has gone ever more missing, hollowed out, without power, because we have been strangers to God.
I don’t know what will get America calling to God, whether it is a manifestation of Satan so bad it cannot be ignored anymore. Maybe Rocket Man really does nuke a US city.
And we would have shamefully deserved it.
....”The police were at his house 39 times in 7 years and did nothing”......
I wouldn’t say the ‘law enforcement’ did nothing..... It certainly appears they did all possible within the laws governing what they could do... As also apparently the school and the authorities did as well. Up until the shooting he had broken no laws and no record of doing so.
As well..his mother certainly recognized and tried to get the guy help for several years.
I worked with a woman whose son was troubled from the age of ten....constantly in and out of jail and mental health clinics. Group homes etc...There’s actually groups of parents who meet because they’ve exhausted and fought the system for decades trying to ‘fix’ and get help for their kids. HE ended up shooting a taxi driver in the head for no reason at all....and went down after the police cornered him. HE fought back til the end.
So there’s more than just this shooter who the help given is denied eventually/completely and stuff as this will always happen’s NOT that people haven’t’s you cannot institutionalize people that obviously need it against their will when they reach a certain age. You can thank the left for that, who closed institutions where many of these people belong.