The reason, absolutely and positively without a doubt, there are many more examples of school shootings than say 30 years ago is..we stopped hauling nutjob like this N.Cruz away to the cookie farm.
I’m sure a lot of Freepers can remember hunters bringing guns to school around hunting season.
No one freaked out and No one got shot.same with Gun Clubs.
We had actual asylums when I was a boy. We knew their names in our city. They really did keep people.
We didn’t have homeless on the streets. We didn’t have panhandlers on street corners. We didn’t have school shootings.
I agree with you.
It happens because there is no God in the home.
Usually just one parent, and often barely even that.
Yup. To put it more broadly, 50 years ago...
There was higher church attendance.
There were fewer broken families.
There were no video games that glorified shooting and violence.
There was no music that glorified shooting and violence.
There was no "social media" where the deranged could become known world-wide in a matter of minutes.
And...more people were institutionalized for severe mental illness.
Society has devolved from decades of moral decay and these school shootings are one of the tragic results.
I too remember boys bringing their rifles to school, even on our rural school bus, and not one of us batted an eye. My own brother probably brought his to school for hunting safety classes.
Our country needs to finally open up many mental institutions again, and lock these violent evil nuts up.