(t’s clear as a bell ; FBI and DoJ did not operate by themselves . They were acting under direct orders from Barack Obama . OBAMA needs to be implicated in this vast conspiracy , indicted , arrested , prosecuted and convicted of a host of crimes and conspiracies. Same with his co-conspirator , Hillary Clinton . They , along with all their cohorts , need to end up doing time in Guantanamo . Accountability ! Accountability at last ...
...Its clear as a bell ; FBI and DoJ did not operate by themselves . They were acting under direct orders from Barack Obama...
Zer0, the usurper, needs to be perp walked with the rest of the traitors.
They may be doing a very long time in hell a lot sooner than ever anticipated by their clueless noggins.
And how in turn did that take place. We didn’t normally take the FBI for utter fools.
Here’s what I think happened. Under Democrat demagoguery, Barack Obama was sold as the Great American Expiation Of Sins Against Black People.
The problem is that Barack Obama was full of sin himself. Black people were swept out of the frying pan, into the fire.
And Barack Obama did a lot of other evil things like persecuting Republican enemies under color of law.
The real expiation? It will not be led by politicians. It will be led by evangelists!
Exactly and the proof of that is the fact that there were other agencies that were reportable to different superiors that were also involved. Specifically the State Dept the CIA and the NSA. Someone was obviously coordinating this from the top.
For Obama and Hillary?