This flu season will not peak until the middle of March. Wife and I had it and got through it. But just because you’ve had one strain doesn’t mean you won’t get another strain.
I'm sure I got it from a patient who the flue and was coughing constantly...wore a mask and gloves, however...
I just work in one little hospital but we've not had a single death..most of our flu patients are middle age and up with history of smoking and COPD...
“doesnt mean you wont get another strain”
Ah .... Crap!
I just went through 2 weeks of physical pain and am not 100% yet (back still hurts) How do I take the baseball bat away from the SOB is beating me with?
I had the Swine Flu (Mandatory) shot and literally slept 3 days waking only to drink water as I was sweating and freezing simultaneously...
I have worried about Flu Vaccines ever since
I don’t get and won’t get any of them. I have been taking B=3 supplements for years and have had neither flu or colds since I began. I got a flu shot in 1966 and due to the severe flu that it seems to have given me I have totally eschewed that stupid practice.