It was a major contributor for losing my fear of investigating the Catholic Church.
Other than a focus on trying to keep the 10 Commandments I don't see much on how to live a Christian life from Roman Catholicism.
Thats because, with the Bible as the only frame of reference, many dont even know what questions to ask. If its not lyin, cheatin, and stealin they dont recognize in any tangible sense the wickedness and damnable nature of other less overt sins. When was the last time you heard a sermon on avarice, the various guises of pride, wrath as opposed to anger, scrupulousness?
In many cases, God is blasphemed by the pagans because the born again are so enthralled with their salvation, they pay no mind to any wickedness or sin thats not specifically condemned in the Bible.
It's going to depend on the church you're in. If it's an evangelical church you're more likely to hear that....thought it's not a guarantee.
I see the posts by salvation from the Msgr. Some are very similar to what you would find in a non-Roman Catholic church.
I will agree though, that a number of the mainline non-evangelical churches, are preaching a watered down version of the Gospel. A lot of emphasis is placed on how to have a happy life with little discussion on sin. Joel Olsteen comes to mind in this regard.
I believe if you ask God for direction and conviction in this area, He will show you the Truth. Based on my own experience He is very faithful to answer those questions.