No, no a thousand times no. The manner in which an argument is made is no evidence of the truth or non truth of that argument. Only facts can prove a truth. Not feelings. Not emotion. Not stridency. Not a loud voice. Not a whap upside the head. None of those are evidence. Do not try to make them so.
Please reread my comment. I in no way said what you claim I said.
To recap. People with facts on their side argue the facts. *That is the point.* Once mire: when you have the facts, you argue facts.
When you DON’T have facts, then you make your case the way warmists do—by attacking deniers personally, by trying to silence them, via name-calling, etc. It’s a method precisely designed to insulate the party using it from actually having to argue the facts.
If you could just see what I’m saying, you could then agree or disagree. But it’s no use disagreeing with something I didn’t say. That gets us nowhere.