He’s not particularly articulate. Plus, he has one of the worst, most grating speaking voices in modern presidential history. What is it lately with politician’s voices? Between Cruz & Hillary, I really don’t know which one is worse. And don’t tell me that is unimportant; most of the men didn’t vote for Hillary because they didn’t want to hear her screeching at them for 4 years. Same with Cruz.
I’ve heard cRuz speak, for fundraising events, several times. (About three years ago.)
He would NEVER change his speech! Always the SAME stories. The ‘my dad came to this country with his few $$ sewn into his underpants’ got really old, fast.
I will not make any further attempt to penetrate your obstinate willful ignorance.
Testimony at senate hearings alone should be enough, but his 100% record in appelate courts is the icing on the cake.
Stubborn is as stupid does.