Batman Gambit:
A plan that revolves entirely around people doing exactly what you'd expect them to do. This trope relies heavily on Flaw Exploitation manipulating, although it can work with virtues instead of "flaws" just as easily. Sometimes the flaw is that the villains are so predictable that they'll take the first chance they have to do something mean and underhanded. Other times, the flaw is that the heroes are so heroic that they'll act for the greater good without even thinking about it.
and isn’t that what we are pretty much seeing?
The MSM are worse then lemmings!
All the media is that way, look at the entertainment industry !
Copy of copies of copies of copies ..etc etc!
A new idea wouldn’t even get the opportunity to die a lonely death!
Totally totally predictable! Ameba would have more individuality!
and remember they think we are stupid!