This doctor surprised me and said, "I'm not your mother, I'm here to tell you whats out there and other alternatives in case your interested at some time."
That remark sealed it for me. One who is open minded and informative.
I hope you meant colonoscopy, not colostomy. You would know if and when you had a colostomy. You can't die from a colonoscopy unless there is surgery involved (such as for polyp removal), the surgery is botched (such as a bowel puncture) or a cancer is missedwhich in the latter case the cancer and/or a missed diagnosis is the cause of death, not the colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is just imaging to see what's what in there, and unless the doc punctures your bowel, an extremely rare occurence, it's not something you can die from.
Everybody over 40 who eats meat or charcoal grilled or fried foods should definitely have a colonoscopy every decade or so.