This is so wrong and more stores need to pull these cards from their store.
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{{The almost always off-color cards recently went a bit too far for some players with its Chosen People Pack, an expansion pack for the original game with some cards that seem to make light of the Holocaust. For instance, one of the cards reads Torturing Jews until they say theyre not Jews anymore, }}
People actually buy this?
I think these were the card makers that were trying to buy a plot of land to stop the Trump wall. As if that’s going to work..
The card maker, is a liberal...conservatives don’t make dumb crap like that.
“100 percent of the writers of the cards happen to be Jewish”
I guess they thought the same rules apply as rappers and the n word.
What helps Obama unwind?
Weed, cocaine, and gay sex?
You almost have to feel sorry for the creators of these cards, who are Jews. Self-hating Jews, I might add. Jews almost certainly raised in secular homes, where money was the deity worshipped.
What is this business called “Target?” I know not of it or any business like it.
Tell me why I should be concerned about this business.
If I have not hear of it or know of it, it does not exist!
Nothing like painting a bullseye on your back
Dressing up in women's lingerie and having the Moose discipline him?
This is not a partisan issue. The game is hilarious, and is not meant for those easily offended or who are prone to virtue signaling. It’s irreverent and crass, yes. The fact that Target is, well, the target of this article is laughable. I’d much rather frequent Target than the sewer that is Walmart.
I saw a group playing cards against humanity the other day and it is a horrible game. It clearly shows where the morality of ethics of our society are at this point in time.