You could ask your Dem friends, who you said are Dem because they support gays:
Why do you support a party that makes excuses for, and wants to IMPORT, Muslims who punish homosexuality with death? How is that gay-friendly?
Conservatives don’t support that lifestyle, but we don’t want to kill them or bring in others who want to kill them.
Good point! I think it’s because the media, education, promote that and also promotes that the opposition wants to kill them.
I don’t know anyone who supports democrats solely because they support the homosexual agenda (other than those who are homosexual themselves or have family that convinced them it’s the only issue). We have these conversations with our adult kids. They care about the “environment” as one of my daughter’s told me recently. I said, yeah so do we, so does the Faith you were raised in, are you willing to give more of your paycheck to cover that? When my two oldest complain about their taxes, their medical benefits and what they pay for them, I remind them how many get subsidized by their contributions.
I’m fortunate that all my kids are politically republicans/conservatives and practice the faith they were raised in but there are issues they just don’t care about.
We live in very easy times in some respect.