Moore is no Trump, but in a lot of ways, he taps that same vein of eff you to the powers that be. Roy Moore has the following he has, because he has stood up to the outsiders telling Alabamans how they have to think and live for decades, and stuck up for it so much he has been removed from office at least twice for standing up for what most Alabamans believe.
Wether it was the 10 commandments at the courthouse or gay marriage... Moore has shown he won’t yield. Now to liberal outsiders they think Moore stand for ignorant backwater hillbilly yokel racist biggotted crap.. But what they don’t realize is that once you get outside the liberal enclaves MOST american’s don’t agree with the things they have used the courts to force down folks throats on these and many other topics.
The Dems have painted themselves into a geographical corner, their identity politics have gotten them huge support in a few small densely packed urban states, and alienated them in the rest of the country.... And since we are a republic and not a democracy, it was only a matter of time before their folly of we can make it up by more voters in smaller segments of the country, would come crashing down.
Agree. Their identity politics has become so “inclusive” that, by definition, they’re excluding the straight, white, male - especially Christians. That may work just fine in places like California but is the worst idea ever for the rest of the country.
^^ that is their order of importance, with Muslims at the top. How does that work? It’s a living contradiction.