Yes, that is hand scrawling in the margins with last minute changes.
McConnell was so eager to jam this garbage bill through that they staffers didn't even have time to go into Microsoft Word and change the verbiage before they sent it to the copiers.
And this legislation will affect our nation for decades to come.
I thought we used to scream bloody murder when the Democrats did this with ObamaCare and other bills - jamming them through without even knowing what was in the final bill?
Oh well, what are standards if they can't be double standards?
I thought we used to scream bloody murder when the Democrats did this with ObamaCare and other bills - jamming them through without even knowing what was in the final bill?
Yeah. And I say it’s long past time where we play the game by the same rules they feel inclined to follow.
I should be able to be validly saying IBTZ to your comments.
Note to the economic ignorant. Who do you pass on your tax-costs to? No one (except maybe your kids). Who do companies pass on their tax-costs to? Eventually and in part, everyone and everywhere else their revenue could have been spent. Taxes to corporations are costs. Prices are set to cover 100% of costs, else there is no profit. Taxes in essence are passed on entirely in prices. They represent a cost against revenue that could not go to either building the business, buying supplies or paying workers, or anything else. What you pay for what you buy covers the taxes that companies pay, and that price you paid was affected by those taxes.
Somehow you have the misguided very Marxist notion that corporate savings from business tax cuts are all 100% going into the pockets of the company’s officers. It’s pure ignorance.