Would you just sit back while they trove him for nothing.
Bingo. Who's going to fire the first shot? Who's going to take out the first scum politician or lying media member? I doubt SERIOUSLY it will be ANY of those on FR saying they are playing with civil war.
No. What this will cause is people like me to give up. I will check out completely of politics knowing that the GOP had just a much a hand in this as the Democrats...and I will give this country to the Democrats. Then, when it collapses in a decade or two, maybe we can then figure out how to split it up and start over. THAT may involve some shots.
I have LONG said that all these people (mostly here in Texas) with the "Secede" bumper stickers are just blowing smoke because until the checks stop coming (social security, medicare, VA, military retirement), ain't nobody seceeding from nothing. There will be very little passion for it. Once the checks stop...that changes.