So instead of the Obamacare repeal tre will be an expansion of it...
Can anyone explain what the Repukes get out of this crap deal? If you’re going to pass this they should get more than just the repeal of the mandate. Hack away at it a bit more before caving in on what promises to be two crappy bills.
President Trump told Republican senators Tuesday he supports two bipartisan efforts to stabilize ObamaCare’s insurance markets.
Translation: “Stabilize” means prop up and subsidize.
I didn’t expect Trump to cave so easily. Disappointing.
Perhaps part of a deal...
Alexander Murray is basically a bill to make Obama’s executive order to shore up the insurance exchanges an actual law, after Trump rescinded the (probably illegal) Obama ex-order.
So Trump supports a policy he undid by executive order himself.
Repealing zerocare has transformed or transmuted into re- funding it. YucKo!!!!!!!!!!! This stinks!
Crony Capitalism continues....
Tax Payer loophole for the RICH....