That fundamental change you have seen is the destruction of the family core unit brought on by the FERAL Government and then the move in by the government to fill that void in the duplication of the Communistic Statehood as planned out.
If We the People do not realize that this Communist take over by our FERAL Government has been going on for over 40 years then they have NOT been paying attention.
Now, with George Soros' help and well placed people in politics, they are on the short rows to completion. We are down to less than 50% of We the People that give a shiite anymore or even know who the VP is. Hell, if you ran a poll I would bet the margin between wanting to be a republic (most would not EVEN know what this is) or Communist would be close because of ignorance between the two
I’ve always explained to those that argue that we have a democracy the differences.
Everyone thinks democracy is freedom. It’s not. Democracy is simply 3 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
A republic is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.
Democracy is simply mob rule. Republic is law and order and everyone has the same rights.
I’m amazed at how many people don’t know the difference.